Thursday, February 5, 2009

SharePoint: Sharepoint connects as Anonymous User to SQL Analysis Server on a Remote Machine and fails to retrieve data from CUBE

If you are trying to connect to a Remote Analysis Server 2008 (64 Bit) it connects as Anonymous User for one of the reasons.

1) Make sure the Authorization is Windows
2) Try this
In web.config Set
identity impersonate=" false"
When it is “true”
For User's IE , User a/c has to connect/open SQL server It requires kerbero’s website (setting that you do while setup of WebSite:Portnumber)
When it is “false”
For User's IE, website Identity Account has to connect/open SQL server
It does not require kerbero’s website

1 comment:

Mohammad Hamed Akhter said...

Please note you've first check if the site was configured using NTLM or Kerberos. Based on that you set the impersonate setting in Web.Config

MSDN: U.S. Local Highlights